Wednesday, 1 August 2018

dye degrading bacteria isolation from textile industry soil

To demonstrate the microbial degradation of textile dyes
Pollution due to textile industry effluent has increased during recent years. Moreover, it is very difficult to treat textile industry effluents, because of their high Biological Oxidation Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), heat, color, pH and the presence of metal ions. The traditional textile finishing industry consumes about 100 liters of water to process about 1 Kg of textile material. The new closed-loop technologies such as the reuse of microbial or enzymatic treatment of dyeing effluents could help reducing this enormous water pollution. Azo dyes have been used increasingly in industries because of their ease and cost effectiveness in synthesis compared to natural dyes. However, most azo dyes are toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic. Azo bonds present in these compounds are resistant to breakdown, with the potential for the persistence and accumulation in the environment. However, they can be degraded by bacteria under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Bioremediation through microorganisms has been identified as a cost effective and environment friendly alternative for disposal of textile effluent. A wide variety of microorganisms are reported to be capable of decolonization of dyes. The current study has conducted the potential of isolated bacterial strain from textile effluent for their decolorization efficiency of the textile dyes, under in vitro conditions and optimization of the factors influencing the process.
Nutrient agar, textile dyes, inoculation loop, Petri dishes, conical flasks, pipettes, Incubators.
1. The textile effluent was collected in sterile collection tubes from the sludge and wastewater of the ditches at industrial site.
2. The sample collected from the textile mill was screened for dye decolorizing bacterial strains by inoculating 10 ml of sludge solution into 250 ml Erlenmeyer flask containing 100 ml nutrient broth.
3. The flasks were incubated at 37°C under shaking conditions (120 rpm). After 48 h of incubation, 1.0 ml of the culture broth was appropriately diluted and plated on Nutrient Agar containing 100 mg L–1textile dye.
4. The Morphologically distinct bacterial isolates showing clear zones around their colonies due to decolorization of dye were selected for further studies.
5. The Screening process in liquid media was carried out by inoculating a loop full of cultures exhibiting clear zones into Nutrient broth containing textile dye under static conditions.
6. After 24 h of incubation, 1ml. of cell suspension was transferred to fresh nutrient broth containing textile dye to screen the strains with color removing ability.
7. The Screening procedure in liquid medium was continued until complete decolorization of broth.
8. The bacterial isolate which tolerated higher concentration of the azo dye was isolated by streak plate method. The azo dye decolorizing bacteria was identified from several aspects including morphology characters, biochemical tests as described in Bergey’s manual of determinative bacteriology.
Colonies surrounded by a nearly decolorized zone were isolated as positive and those organisms not able to form zone were considered as negative.
clear zone formation around the bacterial colonies 

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Gelatin liquefaction test

            To determine the ability of an organism that produce gelatinases.


Gelatin hydrolysis test is used to detect the ability of an organism to produce gelatinase (proteolytic enzyme) that liquefy gelatin. Gelatin is a protein derived from the connective tissues of vertebrates, that is, collagen. It is produced when collagen is boiled in water. Gelatin hydrolysis indicates the presence of gelatinases. This process takes place in two sequential reactions.In the first reaction, gelatinases degrade gelatin to polypeptides
Then, the polypeptides are further converted into amino acids.
The bacterial cells can then take up these amino acids and use them in their metabolic processes.

Procedure /Method of Gelatin hydrolysis test:

1.      A heavy inoculum of test bacteria is inoculated (18- to 24-hour-old) by stabbing 4-5 times on the tube containing nutrient gelatin medium.
2.      The inoculated tube is incubated along with an uninoculated medium at 35°C, for up to 2 weeks.
3.      the tubes daily from the incubator shall be removed and placed in ice bath or refrigerator (4°C) for 15-30 minutes (until control is gelled) every day checked for gelatin liquefaction.(Gelatin normally liquefies at 28°C and above, so to confirm that liquefaction was due to gelatinase activity, the tubes are immersed in an ice bath or kept in refrigerator at 4°C).
4.       The tubes are tilted to observe if gelatin has been hydrolyzed.
Expected results

Positive: Partial or total liquefaction of the inoculated tube (uninoculated control medium must be completely solidified) even after exposure to cold temperature of ice bath or refrigerator (4°C)
Negative: Complete solidification of the inoculated tube even after exposure to cold temperature of ice bath or refrigerator (4°C)

urease test

To determine the ability of the organism to hydrolyse urea by the action of urease enzyme.
Urea is a nitrogen containing compound that is produced during decarboxylation of the amino acid arginine in the urea cycle. Urea is a major organic waste product of protein digestion in most vertebrate and is excreted in urine. Some bacteria have the ability to produce an enzyme urease as part of its metabolism to break down urea. The urease is a hydrolytic enzyme which attacks the carbon and nitrogen bond with the liberation of ammonia and carbondioxide. It is useful diagnostic test for identifying bacteria, especially to distinguish members of the genus Proteus from Gram negative pathogens. Proteus vulgaris is an important and fast producer of urease.
Urease test is performed by growing test organism on urea agar slant or urea broth with phenol red as indicator with pH6.8. During the incubation period, the organism capable of producing urease enzyme hydrolyses urea and produce ammonia that raises the pH level. As the pH increases, the phenol red changes from yellowish orange as initial color of medium to deep pink. Failure of development of a pink coloration due to no ammonia production is evidence of a inability of organism to produce urease enzyme.
            Urea broth medium, Bacterial Culture; Proteus and E.coli, Inoculation loop, Test tubes
Media Components
Enzymatic digest of gelatin (1 g), dextrose (1 g), NaCl (5 g), KH2PO4 (2 g), urea (20 g), phenol red (0.012 g), per 1000 mL, pH 6.8.
1.      The surface of a urea agar slant is streaked with a portion of a well-isolated colony or inoculate test organism on urea broth containing phenol red as indicator.
2.      The urea agar slant or urea broth is incubated at 37°C for 24-48 hours.
3.      The development of pink color is examined.
4.      In case of unknown result incubation shall be lenthened for 7 days to check for slow urease production.
Positive: Deep pink coloration, Light Orange, Magneta
Negative: No Color change, Yellowish orange coloration

Friday, 22 June 2018

oxidase and catalase test

To demonstrate the production of cytochrome oxidase C by the given bacterial culture
The oxidase test is used to differentiate between the families of Pseudomonadaceae (ox +) and Enterobacteriaceae (ox -), and is useful for characterization of many other bacteria, those that have to use oxygen as the final electron acceptor in aerobic respiration. The enzyme cytochrome oxidase is involved with the reduction of oxygen at the end of the electron transport chain. There may be different types of oxidase enzymes produced by bacteria. The colorless redox reagent, tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine dihydrochloride (or dimethyl can be used) used in the test will detect the presence of the enzyme oxidase and, reacting with oxygen, turn a color. The oxidase reagent contains a chromogenic reducing agent, a compound indophenol blue that changes color when it becomes oxidized, so it acts as an artificial electron acceptor for the enzyme oxidase. This test is used for the screening of Pseudomonas, Vibrio, Neisseria, Brucella and Pasteurella, which give positive test. Enterobacteriaceae are oxidase negative.

Oxidase reagent, Sterile wooden sticks, Bacterial culture
Reagent preparation:
Oxidase reagent is specially prepared as 10g/l or 1% solution of tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine dihydrochloride.
1. A good amount of fresh inoculums was taken by non metal stick from a plate culture or liquid culture
2. It was inoculated on Oxidase disc (supplied by HiMedia).
3. The occurrence of color change was observed.
 A positive reaction was occurred within 5 seconds and there was no color occurred in negative culture.
Oxidase positive organisms give blue color within 5-10 seconds, and in oxidase negative organisms, color does not change. The reagent acts as an artificial electron acceptor for the enzyme oxidase and is oxidized to form the colored compound Wurster’s blue. Wurster’s blue is a purple compound that is readily visible and signifies a positive reaction. A positive reaction will usually occur within 10-15 seconds, and will be a bluish-purple color that progressively becomes purpler.

 To demonstrate the production of catalase enzyme by the given bacterial culture.


The enzyme catalase mediates the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. The presence of the enzyme in a bacterial isolate is evident when a small inoculum is introduced into hydrogen peroxide, and the rapid elaboration of oxygen bubbles occurs. The lack of catalase is evident by a lack of or weak bubble production. The culture should not be more than 24 hours old.
Principle of Catalase Test
Bacteria thereby protect themselves from the lethal effect of Hydrogen peroxide which is accumulated as an end product of aerobic carbohydrate metabolism.



  1. 1-2 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution was poured into a test tube.
  2. A sterile wooden stick or a glass rod was used to take several colonies of the 18 to 24 hours test organism and immersed in the hydrogen peroxide solution.
  3. The immediate bubbling was observed.


  1. A loop or sterile wooden stick was used to transfer a small amount of colony in the surface of a clean, dry glass slide.
  2. A drop of 3% H2O2 was placed in the glass slide.
  3. The evolutions of oxygen bubbles were observed.

1. One drop of freshly prepared 3% H2O2 was carefully placed over a single colony with the help of a dropper.
2. The lid of the plate must be closed immediately.
3. Production of effervescence (bubbles) in 5-10 seconds should be a positive test. This method must not be performed on blood agar plates.
Catalase Positive reactions: Evident by immediate effervescence (bubble formation)

Catalase Negative reaction: No bubble formation (no catalase enzyme to hydrolyze the hydrogen peroxide)

Monday, 18 June 2018


Common Features of Quiescent Cells
Carbon Storage An almost universal property of quiescent cells is the accumulation of carbon stores, although the chemical structure of the storage form can differ. During low growth states, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae accumulates glycogen, trehalose, and triglycerides as the main forms of metabolizable carbon (Gray et al., 2004).
The bacterial pathogen Vibrio cholerae accumulates glycogen in preparation for survival in nutrient-poor environments (Bourassa and Camilli, 2009). Additionally, many bacteria store fatty acids in the form of triglycerides (Daniel et al., 2004; Kalscheuer et al., 2007) and wax esters (Sirakova et al., 2012). Both triglycerides and wax esters also accumulate in plant seeds (Radunz and Schmid, 2000), indicating that this mode of storage is advantageous for organisms that represent vastly separated domains of life.
In addition, linear plastic polymers like polyhydroxyalkanoates and poly-b-hydroxybutyric acid can serve as a carbon repository in a variety of bacteria living in the soil and the rhizosphere (Kadouri et al., 2005).
What is the purpose of carbon storage? The most intuitive answer is that these cells are simply ‘‘storing nuts for winter,’’ and these nutritional stores can be rapidly mobilized to fuel growth when environmental conditions improve. This role has been most clearly demonstrated in the S. cerevisiae cell, where the trehalose stores that accumulate in stationary cultures are immediately consumed upon addition of fresh media to fuel rapid regrowth (Shi et al., 2010).
Glycogen may serve a similar role in V. cholerae, a bacterium whose life cycle relies on periodic switches from the nutrient-replete mammalian gut to nutrient poor aquatic environments (Bourassa and Camilli, 2009). Carbon storage has also been found to play an important role in remodeling cellular carbon fluxes and facilitating entry into the quiescent state.
 Diverse stresses, such as low oxygen, low pH, or low iron, all induce a storage response in M. tuberculosis through the activation of a common sensor-kinase system, DosRST (Bacon et al., 2007; Baek et al., 2011; Daniel et al., 2011). The DosS sensor likely responds to alterations in cellular redox state in these contexts (Honaker et al., 2010), and triggers the synthesis of triglycerides that are stored in large cytosolic inclusions (Garton et al., 2002). The impact of this response appears to extend beyond the generation of nutrient stores. That is, disruption of the triglyceride biosynthesis pathway in M. tuberculosis reverses the growth arrest that is normally caused by these stresses, but has little effect on the subsequent recovery of growth when the stress is relieved (Baek et al., 2011). This inverse relationship between growth and triglyceride production appears to result from the redirection of acetyl-CoA from the TCA cycle, where it is used to generate energy during aerobic respiration, into lipid synthesis, where acetyl CoA serves as a building block for fatty acids. The growth-limiting effect of carbon storage is unlikely to be restricted to mycobacteria. For example, S. cerevisiae mutants that are unable to produce glycogen or trehalose consume more CO2 than the wild-type strain during slow growth (Sillje´ et al., 1999), indicating higher TCA flux in the absence of carbon storage. The almost universal propensity of microorganisms to accumulate acetyl CoA-derived carbon stores under growth-limiting stresses suggests that this may represent a common strategy for reducing growth and metabolic rate.
Cell Wall Modification
 Virtually all bacteria are surrounded by an elastic meshwork of peptidoglycan that maintains cellular integrity under changing environmental conditions. This structure is composed of glycan chains, consisting of N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM), crosslinked through short peptide moieties. Not surprisingly, the long-term survival of both spores and quiescent cells depends on specific alterations in the composition of this structure. For example, in stationary phase cultures, the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus generates a cell wall that is structurally different from the peptidoglycan found during exponential phase growth, in that it contains fewer pentaglycine bridges, which crosslink the glycan chains, and is significantly thicker (Zhou and Cegelski, 2012).
Similarly, the level and gradient of crosslinking are important for the formation of bacterial spores. In the spore peptidoglycan layer of the soil-dwelling bacteria Bacillus subtilis, the peptide side chains serving as crosslinkers are completely or partially removed from the NAM residues and replaced by muramic-dlactam, a specificity determinant for germination autolytic enzymes, at every second NAM position in the cortex glycan strands. As a consequence, overall levels of crosslinking are markedly decreased in the spore cortex as compared to the vegetative cell wall (Atrih et al., 1996). Thus, common features of the peptidoglycan in both quiescent cells and spores are reduced crosslinks and increased peptidoglycan mass.
The regulation of these modifications is likely complex, but recent observations suggest that extracellular D-amino acids, such as D-methionine and D-leucine, could play an important role. D-amino acids accumulate to millimolar levels in the supernatants of stationary phase bacterial culture, where they regulate cell wall synthetic enzymes and are incorporated into the peptidoglycan polymer. The increased abundance of D-amino acids in cultures of nongrowing cells and their ability to alter the osmotic sensitivity of V. cholerae (Lam et al., 2009) suggests a likely role in remodeling the cell wall for quiescence. During exponential growth, M. tuberculosis peptidoglycan is crosslinked largely via linkages between the third and fourth amino acids in the stem peptide, the chain of amino acids in peptidoglycan that crosslinks adjacent strands (i.e., 4/3 linkages).
In addition to its structural roles, cell wall metabolism also appears to play an important role in generating signals that regulate the germination of spores and the exit from quiescence.
It may seem intuitive that RNA and protein synthesis will proceed at negligible rates in the quiescent cell. Protein turnover increases 5-fold in famished E. coli cells due to proteases that are produced in early stationary phase.
Indeed, quiescence in S. cerevisiae is accompanied by a 3- to 5-fold decrease in overall transcription rate (Choder, 1991), and a 20-fold decrease in protein synthesis (Fuge et al., 1994). The same analysis has not been performed on nonreplicating cells, and it remains likely that both initiation and elongation rate slow.
Energetics and Metabolism during Quiescence
Maintenance of membrane potential and ATP synthesis is not required for sustaining the viability of spores, even though a repertoire of ATPases and ATP-dependent regulatory proteins is utilized during the initiation of germination (Errington, 2003). In contrast, quiescent bacteria maintain their membrane potential (Pernthaler and Amann, 2004; Rao et al., 2008), and energy homeostasis appears to be critical for survival. In nonreplicating M. tuberculosis cells starved for oxygen or nutrients, ATP levels are maintained at a steady level, which is only 5-fold lower than replicating cells (Gengenbacher et al., 2010; Rao et al., 2008). This maintenance of ATP homeostasis is clearly important, as disruption of the proton motive force or chemical inhibition of the F0F1 ATP synthase involved in ATP synthesis induces cell death in nutrient-starved or hypoxic cultures (Rao et al., 2008; Sala et al., 2010). Diverse strategies can be used to maintain energy homeostasis.
Preservation of Genome Integrity
Maintaining genome fidelity when little or no metabolic capacity is available for canonical DNA repair mechanisms is a challenge faced by both quiescent cells and dormant spores. One strategy common to both types of cells is altering chromosomal structure to a more chemically stable form. The chromosome of stationary phase E. coli assumes an extremely compact structure. A nucleoid-associated protein called Dps, which is expressed only in stationary phase, mediates biocrystallization of the nucleoid and protects DNA from damage (Martinez and Kolter, 1997). This compaction of DNA can be very dynamic as bacteria enter and exit different growth states.
In the photosynthetic cyanobacterium, Synechococcus elongates, a circadian clock controlled mechanism induces periodic chromosome compaction during the night (Smith and Williams, 2006), and the resulting alterations in DNA supercoiling control global gene expression patterns (Vijayan et al., 2009). M. tuberculosis might use a similar mechanism to protect its chromosome.
Truly dormant spores are not able to actively maintain their chromosome but depend on the induction of DNA repair systems upon exit from the dormant state. M. tuberculosis, exit the cell cycle with two chromosomal copies (Wayne, 1977). Thus, high-fidelity recombinational repair mechanisms, which often dominate in growing cells, are only available to a subset of quiescent organisms. Despite the apparent presence of a recombinational template in nonreplicating M. tuberculosis, this organism still appears to utilize more error-prone repair systems. For example, error-prone translation polymerases, which replicate past DNA damage lesions, are important for the survival of slowly growing M. tuberculosis in chronically infected animals (Boshoff et al., 2003).
NOTE:Content compiled from Web content

Wednesday, 13 June 2018


Triple Sugar Iron Reaction
To understand the biochemical reactions involved in the triple sugar iron agar test


The triple sugar iron (TSI) agar test is generally used for the identification of enteric bacteria Enterobacteriaceae). It is also used to distinguish the Enterobacteriaceae from other gram-negative intestinal bacilli by their ability to catabolize glucose, lactose, or sucrose, and to liberate sulfides from ferrous ammonium sulfate or sodium thiosulfate. (TSI agar slants contain a 1% concentration of lactose and sucrose, and a 0.1% glucose concentration. The pH indicator, phenol red, is also incorporated into the medium to detect acid production from carbohydrate fermentation. Often Kligler Iron Agar (named after I. J. Kligler in 1917), a differential medium similar to TSI, is used to obtain approximately the same information. TSI slants are inoculated by streaking the slant surface using a zig-zag streak pattern and then stabbing the agar deep with a straight inoculating needle. Incubation is for 18 to 24 hours in order to detect the presence of sugar fermentation, gas production, and H2S production.
0.1% Glucose: If only glucose is fermented, only enough acid is produced to turn the butt yellow. The slant will remain red.
1.0 % lactose/1.0% sucrose:  a large amount of acid turns both butt and slant yellow, thus indicating the ability of the culture to ferment either lactose or sucrose.
Iron: Ferrous sulfate: Indicator of H2S formation
Phenol red: Indicator of acidification (It is yellow in acidic condition and red under alkaline conditions). It also contains Peptone which acts as source of nitrogen. (Remember that whenever peptone is utilized under aerobic condition ammonia is produced)

Triple Sugar Iron Agar tubes, Culture of enteric bacteria, Bunsen burner, inoculating needle, Incubator set at 35°C and test-tube rack

Procedure for Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) Test
1. TSI slant was prepared as per the formulation given by the lab manual.
2. With a sterilized straight inoculation needle touch the top of a well-isolated colony.
3.  TSI Agar slant was inoculated by first stabbing through the center of the medium to the bottom of the tube and then streaked on the surface of the agar slant. 
4. The cap left on loosely and incubated the tube at 35°C in ambient air for 18 to 24 hours.
  1. Alkaline slant/no change in butt (K/NC) i.e Red/Red = glucose, lactose and sucrose non-fermenter
  2. Alkaline slant/Alkaline butt (K/K) i.e Red/Red = glucose, lactose and sucrose non-fermenter
  3. Alkaline slant/acidic butt (K/A); Red/Yellow = glucose fermentation only, gas (+ or -), H2s (+ or -)
  4. Acidic slant/acidic butt (A/A); Yellow/Yellow = glucose, lactose and/or sucrose fermenter gas (+ or -), H2s (+ or -).

Interpretation of Triple Sugar Iron Agar Test
1. If lactose (or sucrose) is fermented, a large amount of acid is produced, which turns the phenol red indicator yellow both in butt and in the slant. Some organisms generate gases, which produces bubbles/cracks on the medium.
2. If lactose is not fermented but the small amount of glucose is, the oxygen deficient butt will be yellow (remember that butt comparatively have more glucose compared to slant i.e. more media more glucose), but on the slant the acid (less acid as media in slant is very less) will be oxidized to carbon dioxide and water by the organism and the slant will be red (alkaline or neutral pH).
3. If neither lactose/sucrose nor glucose is fermented, both the butt and the slant will be red. The slant can become a deeper red-purple (more alkaline) as a result of production of ammonia from the oxidative deamination of amino acids (remember peptone is a major constituents of TSI Agar).
4. If H2S is produced, the black color of ferrous sulfide is seen.


  Resazurin Reduction Test (RRT) Resazurin reduction t is another method of dye reduction test and the principle of this test is nearly si...