AIM: To isolate the Azotobactor
sp. and Azospirillum sp. from the given rhizosphere soil and root
as symbiotic with plants in the rhizosphere. The plant stimulatory effect
exerted by Azospirillum has been attributed to several mechanisms,
including biological nitrogen fixation and production of plant growth promoting
substances. It has been described to the bacterial production of plant growth regulating
substances like plant hormones. An increased number of lateral roots and root
hairs enlarge the root surface available for nutrients. This results in higher
nutrient uptake by inoculated roots and an improved water status of the plant,
which in turn could be the main factor for enhancing plant growth. Azospirillum
is not only able to fix atmospheric N but also to mineralize nutrients from
the soil, to sequester, Fe, to survive to marsh environmental conditions, and
can help plants minimize the negative effects of abiotic stresses.
Azotobacter sp, are
free-living aerobic bacteria dominantly found in soils, present in alkaline and
neutral soils. They are nonsymbiotic heterotrophic bacteria capable of fixing
an average 20kg N/ha/year. Besides, it also produces growth promoting
substances and is shown to be antagonistic to pathogens. Azotobacter sp.
are found in the soil and rhizosphere of many plants and their population
ranges from negligible to 104 g-1 of soil depending upon the physico-chemical
and microbiological (microbial interactions) properties. Besides, nitrogen
fixation, Azotobacter also produces thiamin, riboflavin, indole acetic
acid and gibberellins. When Azotobacter is applied to seeds, seed
germination is improved to a considerable extent, so also it controls plant
diseases due to above substances produced by Azotobacter. The exact mode
of action by which Azotobacteria enhances plant growth is not yet fully
understood. Three possible mechanisms have been proposed: N2 fixation;
delivering combined nitrogen to the plant; the production of phytohormone-like
substances that alter plant growth and morphology, and bacterial nitrate
reduction, which increases nitrogen accumulation in inoculated plants. Bacteria
isolated from soil rhizosphere by using serial dilution on selective media for Azotobacter
(LG medium). Isolates were characterized by morphological & biochemically
according to Bergey’s Manual method, to shown properties of Azotobacter
All the media components which has been mentioned in
the procedure, glasswares such as test tubes, conical flasks, slides,
inoculation loops, Staining kits, Microscopes.
Bacterial isolation and identification.
1. Different soil samples
from the rhizosphere of agricultural crop were transferred to laboratory.
2. Strategies used for isolation
were: (i) Enrichment of Azotobacter strains, one gram from each of the
soil samples were added into 100 ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 ml of
Azotobacter broth of the following composition; mannitol 20g, K2HPO4 0.8
g, KH2PO4 0.2
g, MgSO4·7H2O
0.5 g, FeSO4·6H2O
0.10 g, CaCO3 20 g, NaMoO4·2H2O
0.05 g supplemented with ZnSO4.7H2O 10
mg, MnSO4.4H2O
1.0 mg and cycloheximide (100μg/ml) per liter (Adjust to pH 7.2). Incubation
was at 28°C for 2-5days.
Isolation was carried out by preparing serial dilutions from enrichment culture
followed by streaking and incubation at 28ºC for 2-5 days. All the isolates
were subcultured on selective nitrogen-free specific medium Azotobacter
Agar plates.
Soils were collected
from various crop fields in and around Coimbatore.
One gram of each
collected soil sample was suspended in a tube filled with 5ml of half strength
of Winogradsky’s N-free mineral medium containing (g/liter): 10 g of glucose,
25 g of KH2PO4, 12.5 g of MgSO4·7H2O,
12.5 g of NaCl, 12.5 g of FeSO4·7H2O, 0.1 g of Na2MoO4·2H2O,
0.38 g of MnSO4·H2O, 0.1 g of CaCO3, which
were sterilized separately, and 15 g of agar, pH 7.2 and then grown at 370C
in an incubator shaker overnight.
Serial dilution were
made and 0.1 ml aliquots (10-3 -10-5) were speeded on
plate containing the same agar medium.
The plates were
incubated for 2 days at 370C and morphologically different colonies
appearing on the medium were isolated.
The isolates were
characterized for the following traits: color pigment, form elevation margin,
diameter, surface, opacity and texture.
Morphology was evaluated
under microscopy and motility was tested by observing the spread of the growth
in test tubes of semi agar media.
Biochemical characters
of bacterial isolates were examined according to methods described in Bergey’s
Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.
RESULTS:(Expected results)
Azospirillum sp. the isolates were microscopically
observed for their cell shape and gram reaction. The cell shape of all the
isolates was spiral; all the isolates were Gram negative and had cork screw
movement when observed under microscope.
After incubation of soil sample in Azotobacter selected media, colony
has been thoroughly characterized on the basis of colony color, shape and
diameter of the colony. Out of them the characteristics features of some selected
colony has been summarized (Table) Most
of the bacterial colony isolated are circular (even) in shape and most of the
bacterial colony are whitish in colour and the size ranges between 1.0 – 4.0 mm
in size (Table) . Others bacterial colonies isolated are spindle (even)
in shape and circular (undulated ) and others bacterial colony are translucent
white with central black dot yellowish, and creamy .