Wednesday, 22 September 2021



Microbial limit test for pharmaceutical products PDFMICROBIAL LIMIT TEST

v  10gm sample weighing on calibrated weighing balance. Exact volume of sample transfer to 90 ml sterile Tryptone Soya Broth with 0.5% Soya lecithin & 4% Tween 20 in screw caped Glass Bottle.

v  Mix well to obtain a uniform 1:10 (v/v or w/v) dilution.

Determination of Total Aerobic Microbial Count by (Pour Plate Method)

1.      Pour 1 ml or required quantity from prepared dilution of sample using sterile calibrated Micropipette to sterile duplicate Petri plates.

a.       Pour 20-25ml of sterile Soybean Casein Digest Agar/Tryptone Soya Agar in both plates.

2.   Mix the content of petri plates by rotating clock and anticlock wise the plate, and allow medium to solidify.

3.      Incubate the plates in an inverted position at 30 to 35o C for 3-5 days.

4.      Determination of Total Yeast & Mold Count by (Pour Plate Method)

5.      Aseptically transfer 1ml or required quantity from the prepared dilution into two sterile duplicate Petri plates.

6.       Add 20-25 ml of sterile Sabouraud Dextrose Agar in both petri dishes.

7.      Mix the contents of petri plates by rotating clock and anticlock wise the plate and allow medium to solidify.

8.      Incubate all the plates at 20 to 25oC for 5-7 days in an inverted position.

9.      After incubation period count the number of colonies from each plate and find out the average.

10.  Express the result as Colony Forming Unit (cfu) per gm/ml divided by volume taken by multiplying average number of cfu/plate with dilution factor. If no colonies are observed express the result as number of colonies less than dilution factor. 

11.  If counting of colonies is not possible due to high count or merged colonies total count  test shall be repeated after further diluting solution/suspension.

12.  If total count observed in retest are not conforming to specified limits the material will be considered failing in the tests.



Positive Control

Carry out a control test by adding 1 ml of Microbial Culture Suspension of all objectionable organisms containing 10-100 cfu/ml and pour SCDA media & Incubate 30-35° C for 3-5 days and C. albicans containing 10-100 cfu/ml and pour 20-25 ml SDA Media & after solidify Incubate at 20-25°C for 5-7 days.

             Negative Control

Perform negative control using 1 ml diluent and pour SCDA Media & after solidify Incubate at 30-35°C for 3-5 days & SDA media at 20-25°C for 5-7 days.

Determination of Total Aerobic Microbial Count by (Filtration Method)       

Procedure: Microbial Limit Test for Pharmaceutical Products

1. Arrange sterile membrane filtration assembly. Add 10 ml sample to the 100 ml sterile purified water with the help of Micropipette and mix thoroughly. Filter the solution through NMT 0.45μm sterile filter and Rinse the filter with 5x 100 ml sterile purified water or saline.  

a.       Transfer the filter paper with sterile forceps on SCDA plate and Incubate in inverted condition at 30-35oC for 3- 5 days. After incubation period counts the number of colonies.

2.      Express the result as Colony Forming Unit (cfu) per gm/ml, if no colonies are observed express the result as number of colonies less than dilution factor. 

3.      If counting of colonies is not possible due to high count or merged colonies total count test shall be repeated after further diluting (1:10) solution/suspension.

Positive Control

1.      Take 1 ml of Culture Suspension containing 10-100 cfu/ml of objectionable organisms and add to 100 ml sterile purified water and mix thoroughly.

2.      Filter the solution through 0.45μm sterile filter and Rinse the filter with 200 ml sterile purified water.

3.      Transfer the filter paper by sterile forceps on SCDA plate and Incubate in inverted condition in incubator at 30-35oC for 3-5 days. After incubation period counts the number of colonies. Repeat the steps for all organisms.

Negative Control

Take 10 ml of Diluent in 100 ml Sterile purified water and filter through 0.45μm sterile

Filter and Rinse the filter with 200 ml Sterile purified.

Transfer the filter paper by sterile forceps on SCDA Plate and Incubate in inverted condition in incubator at 30-35oC for 3-5 days. After incubation period counts the number of colonies.

Determination of Total Yeast & Mold Count by (Filtration Method)        

Procedure: microbial limit test for pharmaceutical products

a.       Arrange sterile membrane filtration assembly. Add 10 ml sample to the 100 ml sterile purified water with the help of Micropipette and mix thoroughly. Filter the solution through NMT 0.45μm sterile filter and Rinse the filter with 200 ml sterile purified water.    

b.      Transfer the filter paper with sterile forceps on SDA Plate and Incubate in inverted condition at 20-25oC for 5-7 days. After incubation period counts the number of colonies.

c.       Express the result as Colony Forming Unit (cfu) per gm/ml, If no colonies are observed express the result as number of colonies less than dilution factor. 

d.      If counting of colonies is not possible due to high count or merged colonies total count test shall be repeated after further diluting (1:10) solution/suspension.

            Positive Control

1.      Take 1 ml of Culture Suspension containing 10-100 cfu/ml of C. albicans and add to 100   ml sterile purified water and mix thoroughly.

2.      Filter the solution through 0.45μm sterile filter and Rinse the filter with 200 ml Sterile purified water.

3.      Transfer the filter paper by sterile forceps on SDA Plate and Incubate in inverted condition in incubator at 20-25oC for 5-7 days. After incubation period counts the number of colonies.

Negative Control

                                i.      Take 10 ml of Diluent in 100 ml sterile purified water and filter through 0.45μm sterile.

                              ii.      Filter and Rinse the filter with 200 ml Sterile purified.

                            iii.      Transfer the filter paper by sterile forceps on SDA Plate and Incubate in inverted condition in incubator at 20-25oC for 5-7 days. After incubation period counts the number of colonies.

iv. The maximum countable number on a plate is 250 CFU for TAMC and 50 for TYMC

Procedure: Escherichia coli

v  After incubation shake the broth (under the section enrichment of sample) and transfer 1 ml of enriched sample to 100 ml of MacConkey broth and mix thoroughly.

v  Incubate at 42 to 44oC for 24 to 48 hrs.

v  If growth observed in MacConkey broth medium, streak on a plate of MacConkey agar and incubate in inverted condition in incubator at 30 to 35oC for  18 to 72 hrs. If pink color, non-mucoid colonies observed on MacConkey agar medium, it indicates the possible presence of Escherichia coli and carry out biochemical tests.

Biochemical Test

Indole Test

Transfer suspected colonies from MacConkey agar to 10ml of peptone water. Incubate at 30 to 35°C for 24 to 48 hrs. After incubation, add 3 to 4 drops of Kovac’s reagent in   peptone water tube. If red color ring produced in tube.  it indicates the presence of Escherichia coli.

Positive Control

Carry out a control test using 0.1ml of the enrichment culture containing 10 to 50 Escherichia coli. if pink color, non-mucoid colonies not observed test is invalid.

Perform negative control using Autoclaved media as blank.

Salmonella sp.

Pre-treatment of sample 

Clean the outer Surface of the sample with 70% IPA and Actuate 10 ml sample under sterile condition in sterile class A volumetric measuring Cylinder or Approx 10gm sample weighing  on calibrated weighing balance and transfer to (required dilution) sterile Tryptone Soya Broth with 0.5% Soya lecithin & 4% Tween 20 in screw caped Glass Bottle.

If required add exact 10 ml or 10 gm sample to 10 ml tween 80 for neutralization, Add this solution 180 ml sterile Tryptone Soya Broth with 0.5% Soya lecithin & 4% Tween 20 in screw caped Glass Bottle.

Note:  If required, make further dilution with concern to specification limit. 

Procedure: Salmonella sp.

After incubation shake the broth and transfer 0.1 ml of enriched sample to 10 ml of  Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella enrichment broth and mix thoroughly. Incubate at 30-35oC for 18 to 24hours. If growth observed in Rappaport Vassiliadis Salmonella enrichment broth, streak on a plate of Xylose lysine Deoxycholate Agar and incubate in inverted condition in incubator at 30o to 35o for 24 to 48 hrs. If red colonies with or without tests.

H2S Production

Inoculate suspect colonies of Salmonella sp. in triple sugar agar from Xylose lysine  Deoxycholate agar, incubate the tubes at 30 to 35°C for 18-24 hrs. If black coloration along the line of stab inoculation observed (due to H2S production), it indicates the presence of  Salmonella sp.

Interpretation of the results

If there is no growth of colonies with black center and in 48 hrs. The colonies become uniformly black surrounded by a dark zone and metallic sheen and identification tests are negative it indicates absence of Salmonella sp. and the sample passes the test.                                     

Positive Control 

Carryout a control test using 0.1ml of the enrichment culture containing 10 to 5  Salmonella spp., prepared from 24 hrs. old culture. The test is invalid if the result does not indicate that the control contains Salmonella spp. 

Negative Control

Incubate Sterilized media as blank.

 Procedure: Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Streak loop full pretreated sample  on the   surface of Cetrimide Agar and incubate in inverted condition in incubator at 30-35oC for  18-72 hrs. If greenish colored colonies are observed, then carry out  the identification test (oxidase) and pigment test.

Pigment Test

Streak respective suspect colonies from the surface of Cetrimide Agar on the surface of  Pseudomonas Agar Medium for detection of fluorescein and Pseudomonas Agar medium  for detection of Pyrocyanin contained in petri dishes. Cover the plate and incubate in an inverted position at 30-35oC for 48hrs. Examine the colonies (Table 1).

Oxidase Test

Oxidase disc touch in colonies rapidly colour change in blueish within 20 sec. If there is no changing to blue, the sample meets the requirements of the test for the absence of  Pseudomonas aeruginosa.   


Colony Characteristics

Fluorescence in UV light

Oxidase Test

Gram Strain

Cetrimide Agar Base

Generally greenish



Negative Rods

Pseudomonas Agar Medium for detection of Fluorescein

Generally colorless to yellow



Negative Rods

Pseudomonas Agar Medium for detection of Pyrocyanin

Generally greenish



Negative Rods













Interpretation of the results

If there is no growth of such type of colonies (table 1) and the identification tests are negative, it indicates the absence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and the sample passes the test.

Positive Control

Carryout a control test by using 0.1ml of the enrichment culture containing 10 to 50 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The test is invalid if the result does   not indicate that the control contains Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Negative Control

Incubate pre incubated Cetrimide Agar media as blank.

Staphylococcus aureus

Procedure Staphylococcus aureus.

Streak loop full pretreated sample (under the section enrichment of sample 4.9.2) on the surface of Mannitol-Salt Agar Medium.  Incubate the plates in an inverted position at 30-35°C for 18 to 72 hrs. If upon observation yellow or white colonies with yellow zones are observed carry out the coagulase test.        

Coagulase Test

Transfer representative suspect colonies from the agar surface of Mannitol Salt agar to tube containing 0.5 ml of mammalian, preferably rabbit or horse, plasma with or without additives.  Incubate at 30-35°C and examining the tubes at three hours and subsequently at suitable intervals up to 24 hours. If coagulation in any degree not observed, the sample meets the requirements of the test for the absence of Staphylococcus aureus.

Interpretation of the results

If there is no growth of yellow or white colonies with yellow zones and the identification   tests are negative, it indicates the absence of Staphylococcus aureus and the sample passes the test.       

Positive Control 

Carry out a control test using 0.1ml of the enrichment culture containing 10 to 50 Staphylococcus aureus. The test is invalid if the result does not indicate that the control contains Staphylococcus aureus.  

Negative Control

Incubate pre incubated Mannitol Salt Agar media as blank.

Transfer 10 ml of pretreatment sample from (4.9.1) in 90 ml Tryptone Soya Broth or Soyabean Casein Digest Broth with 0.5% Soya lecithin & 4% Tween 20 in screw cap  Glass bottle and mix thoroughly and Incubate at 30-35oC for 48 hrs. 

Procedure: Fungi identification:


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